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What is BioThaneR? BioThane is a trademarked artificial material that has the look and feel of leather. but without the problems that comes with leather. It's basically a polyester webbing with a TPU or PVC coating that makes it more durable, waterproof, and easy to clean BioThane is strong, durable, and pliable. It comes in various widths, thicknesses, and colors. One aspect I truly appreciate is just how low maintenance BioThane is compared to leather
Cleaning Your BioThane is a Breeze.Nobody wants to deal with a dirty dog collaT or leash. Unfortunately, dogs aren't as focused on keeping their collars or leashes clean Whether it's from the rain or something your dog decided to roll in, leather collars can become dirty and dried out over time and begin to stink.A stinky leather collar or leash means that you' ll need to scrub the stink off with various concoctions of baking soda, peppermint soap, or whatever you have that can get rid of smells. BioThaneR coated webbing is waterproof, stink-proof, and headache proof for dog owners. So how do you clean a Bio Thane dog leash/collar? When it gets wet, it dries with no ill effects. If it gets muddy or soiled, simply wash it with soap and water and wipe it dry. Oh, did I mention that BioThane is stink-proof.

Please head over to the SHOP page to see a list of all of our training tools and rewards we have available. Keep in mind everything in our shop is a hand made item by my family or myself.

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